
  • Myerson RS: Hepatic Disorders. In: McCunney RJ, Roundtree P, Barbanel C, Borak J, Bunn W, Levin J, Harber P (eds): A Practical Approach to Occupational and Environmental Medicine (3rd Edition). Philadelphia: Lippincott, 458-465, 2003.
  • Myerson RS: Anesthetic Gases and Sterilants. In: McCunney RJ, Barbanel CS (eds): Medical Center Occupational Health and Safety. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 163-172, 1999.
  • Myerson RS: “Developing a medical surveillance program at a semiconductor plant.”  Annual Meeting, Semiconductor Safety Association; Scottsdale, 1987.
  • Myerson RS: “Medical surveillance in the semiconductor industry.”  American Occupational Health Conference, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine; Philadelphia, 1987.
  • Myerson RS: “Strategies for Industrial Hygiene and Biological Monitoring in a Research Laboratory.” Ford Motor Company Conference on Health and Environmental Issues; Detroit, 1988.
  • Myerson RS: “Current Issues in Pre-placement Medical Evaluation.”  Annual Meeting, Semiconductor Safety Association; Scottsdale, 1988.
  • Myerson RS: “Health issues in clean rooms.”  American Occupational Health Conference, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine; Boston, 1989.
  • Myerson RS: “Health issues in clean rooms.”  Annual Meeting, Semiconductor Safety Association Meeting; Scottsdale, 1989.
  • Myerson RS: “Health issues in clean rooms.”  Annual Conference, Society for Occupational and Environmental Health; 1990.
  • Myerson RS: “Psychological and medical issues in high technology workplaces.” American Occupational Health Conference, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine; San Francisco, 1991.
  • Myerson RS: “Occupational medicine in a research and development semiconductor laboratory.”  International Meeting, Semiconductor Safety Association International Meeting; Phoenix, 1992.
  • Myerson RS: “Psychological, social, and medical issues in semiconductor fabrication.”  Annual European Conference, Semiconductor Safety Association; Birmingham, England, 1992.
  • Myerson RS: “Glycol ethers and substitutes, review of toxicology.” Annual International Meeting Semiconductor Safety Association International Meeting, Scottsdale Arizona, April, 1993.
  • Myerson RS: “Health issues in semiconductor manufacturing” Metropolitan Washington College of Occupational & Environmental Medicine; Washington, DC, 1998.
  • Myerson RS: “Stress related disabilities.”  Annual Client Meeting, Occupational Health Services, Inc.; Wellesley, 1989.
  • Myerson RS: “Americans With Disabilities Act:  Issues for Occupational Health Professionals in High Technology Industries.”  Presented at the Semiconductor Safety Association International Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, April, 1991.
  • Myerson RS: “Accommodating physical disabilities and handicaps under the ADA.”  Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce; Milwaukee, 1990.
  • Myerson RS: “American with Disabilities Act:  Worker Fitness and Risk Evaluation.”  Northeast Wisconsin Personnel Association; Green Bay, 1991.
  • Myerson RS: “Medical Examinations: Are They Beneficial After ADA?”  Presented in the Americans With Disabilities Act Employment Perspective National Satellite Teleconference by Wausau Insurance Companies, September, 1992.
  • Myerson RS: “The Independent Medical Evaluation” American Occupational Health Conference, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine; Kansas City, 2004.
  • Myerson RS: “Aids in the workplace.” Massachusetts Municipal Association, Natick, MA, 1988.
  • Myerson RS: “Drug testing in the workplace: Moral and ethical issues.”  Annual Meeting, New England College of Occupational Medicine; Boston, 1989.
  • Myerson RS: “Selecting an Occupational Medical Clinic.”  Presented at the Semiconductor Safety Association International meeting, Phoenix, AZ, April, 1992.
  • Myerson RS: “Respirator Medical Certification: Regulatory Requirements.”  American Occupational Health Conference, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine; Washington, DC; 1992.
  • Myerson RS: “The Neurotoxicity of Manganese”   Gillette Worldwide Environmental Health & Safety Meeting, Baltimore; 1997.
  • Myerson RS: “The Bloodborne Pathogens Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030: An overview.” Annual Meeting, American Society of Safety Engineers; New York, 1992.
  • Myerson RS: “The toxicology and treatment of hydrofluoric acid burns.” Grand Rounds, Prince William Hospital; Manassas, VA, 2002.
  • Myerson RS: “Hepatitis A-G” Maryland Occupational Health Nurses Association Meeting; Hunt Valley, 1998.
  • Myerson RS: “Health case reform opportunities in consulting.” American Occupational Health Conference, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine; Chicago, 1994.
  • Myerson RS: “The impact of health care reform on occupational medicine.” Keynote Address, Virginia Occupational Health Conference; Norfolk, 1994.
  • Myerson RS: “Current issues in occupational/environmental medicine.” Lucas Industries Worldwide Health and Safety Conference, Williamsburg, 1995.
  • Myerson RS: “The Future of Occupational Medicine, Managed Care and Beyond.” Keynote Address, International Occupational Medicine Congress; San Juan, PR, 1996.
  • Myerson RS: “The Employer Perspective: An Integrated Approach to Managed Care.” Johns Hopkins International Seminar on Trends in Health Care; Baltimore, 1999.
  • Myerson RS: “State of the Profession: Occupational and Environmental Medicine.” American Occupational Health Conference, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine; Washington, DC, 2005.
  • Myerson RS: “Occupational Medicine in the Non-Occupational Setting” New Era of Medicine Conference; Rivera Maya, Mexico, 2008.
  • Myerson RS: “COVID-19 Workplace Issues”  Presented at the Alfa International 2021 Workers Compensation Virtual Seminar March 25, 2021.